Zen Shiatsu Massage
Although originally sceptical about the concept of qi, when taijiquan training began to cultivate interesting new qi sensations, Martin Grunseit looked around for a school that could give more information about the meridian system and Chinese medicine in general. This led to studying Zen Shiatsu at the Shiatsu Ryoho College in the early 1990’s with Andrzej Gospodarczyk, and a new career was accidently begun. 
Zen Shiatsu is a deeply relaxing form of massage that is great for relieving stress, neck and shoulder tension, back problems and helping with emotional balance.
It is also an excellent treatment if you have chronic ailments, indigestion, poor sleep, colds and flu, tight muscles, stiff joints or poor circulation.
Shiatsu differs from remedial massage in that it does not use oil, being done on an all-cotton futon on the floor with the patient clothed. This means that it works through the parasympathetic nervous system, stimulating your “rest and digest” response, giving results that last a long time and help activate the natural healing mechanisms of the body. Due to its diagnostic process and powerful results it is often referred to as “acupuncture without needles”.
To book a treatment email
A few testimonials:
It was recommended to me that I try shiatsu and I located Martin at Avalon. I had no idea what this mystery treatment was all about. I am glad I decided to give it a go The benefits of fortnightly treatments have made a great difference to my well-being in so many ways. When I think back to my state of health, or rather non-health, when Martin first began to treat me, I realise that I was in a rather bad state.. Two years before I had a fall which fractured my pelvis in three places. Although finally back to normal activities, I had also developed a severe ache between the shoulders and was becoming very stooped in posture which was pretty disappointing when I happened to catch sight of myself in a shop window! I was also apprehensive that I might have another fall as my balance was not at all good.I have a very busy day-to-day existence, not yet retired at76 and everything was becoming an effort. And painful. Coping with this pain was stressful. It was hard to relax. And poor circulation made my legs ache too. It was hard to summon up any energy. Slowly but surely Martin has been able to improve everything for me. I always did a regular walk, but now I walk straighter and easier. Pain has been relieved. My digestion is improved and, amazingly, no visits to the bathroom during the night – I sleep soundly right through. A brighter and fitter me with much more energy. And all this to the accompaniment of beautiful music! I am very grateful.
Ann Coventry, Avalon
I always look forward to my regular shiatsu massage with Martin as a part of my general health maintenance. I use shiatsu mainly as a preventative measure as the physical pressure and stretches unblock areas of tightness and stiffness I didn’t realise I had until Martin started working on them. The dietary advice and stretching exercises also help me to sustain the effect of the massage in between treatments. I find shiatsu deeply relaxing to the point where I often fall asleep. It always leaves me with an increased feeling of well-being and tranquillity and a sense of being more in tune with my own body. Thanks Martin.
Denise Lieberman, Bilgola Plateau
During the therapy session the feeling of energy centring and release of blockages is a very remarkable one. Instead of a body imagined as a bag of bones and worn-out organs, under Martin’s subtle pressure it becomes a field of energy on the move. It often leads to the relief of a particular problem in an appreciable way. In any case it is very enjoyable, and enjoyment and release of tensions last long after the treatment
Many heartfelt thanks for his love and dedication to the art of Shiatsu healing.
Nicole Ramsden, Avalon
Martin’s shiatsu massage is a remarkable experience. A deep body alignment , like a fine tuning an instrument. I feel more in balance, energised and de-stressed, more focused for the next few days. This ritual is also deeply relaxing and calming. Thank you Martin for my renewed joy in living better.
Mandy Gray, Mackeral Beach
When I first came to see Martin my general health was poor and my emotional state was worse. I had lost my husband the previous year and I had been diagnosed with Sacroiliitis and Bursitis within months of his death. I was in physical pain much of the time and, coupled with the natural grief I was suffering I was finding it difficult to focus at work, I wasn’t sleeping well, and my energy levels were the lowest they’d ever been. It was suggested that I try Zen Shiatsu with Martin Grunseit. I had never had shiatsu before, but by this stage I was willing to try anything, and I am glad I did. Martin gave me advice about diet and gentle exercise, and the shiatsu itself was unlike anything I’d ever experienced before. It was like a physical and emotional journey, as though my body had stored every memory of the past, until they had become like a landslide blocking the road, and the shiatsu seemed to clear a path for the future. Martin has what can only be described as the truly “healing touch” of the gifted therapist. From the very first treatment my health and mental wellbeing began to improve. I slept better, my energy levels increased, and the tension I held in my back disappeared. I would have been content with these improvements, but I also noticed that my sinusitis disappeared within weeks, and the pain from the bursitis and sacroiliitis improved enough for me not to have to resort to anti-inflammatories. My mobility and flexibility improved immeasurably. My mood lifted, I was able to cope with my grief more positively, and with my newfound sense of wellbeing I was able to participate more fully both at work and socially. My friends noted the difference in my appearance within a couple of sessions. I still go to see Martin at least once a month and would recommend anyone to his care and gentle understanding. Thank you Martin – I owe you more than you know. Melanie Bryan, Avalon Soft, tranquil, deep relaxation. Only after my treatments am I aware how much tension had built up in my body. Martin’s sensitive touch, dietary & exercise advice have given me back a sense of well-being and unity of spirit, mind & body. I am eternally grateful.
Robert McGuiness, Tokyo
Before I started to see Martin my energy was very depleted. Martin is a very gentle caring person with a deep understanding of individual conditions. I always felt supported throughout the series of treatments, drifting into a cocooned state of calm. There is a rest period at the end of the session which is a vital part of any treatment. In conjunction with the massage I had acupuncture which support each other beautifully. I now feel energetic and strengthened.
Kerry Carlill, Bilgola Plateau